Currently Machine Learning Research Engineer at Embark Studios AB, researching how to use large language models to make video game characters come alive.
Previously Machine Learning developer at Substorm, to help companies implement AI and NLP solutions using Python, Deep Learning and AWS.
Graduated with a double degree in Autonomous Systems, a program focused on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, between the University of Trento (Italy) and KTH in Stockholm.
Accomplishments include publishing a journal research article based on my master thesis at SCANIA and presenting advancements on language models for video game characters at conferences.
Download my resumé.
Double Master Degree in Autonomous Systems
University of Trento (first year), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (second year)
Bachelor's Degree in Information and Business Organization Engineering
University of Trento
also with Numpy and Pandas
with the Transformers library
with Pytorch and Keras/TensorFlow
with Scikit-learn
Version Control
Cloud resources management
Predicting the future trajectories of pedestrians is a challenging problem that has a range of application, from crowd surveillance to autonomous driving. In literature, methods to approach pedestrian trajectory prediction have evolved, transitioning from physics-based models to data-driven models based on recurrent neural networks. In this work, we propose a new approach to pedestrian trajectory prediction, with the introduction of a novel 2D convolutional model. This new model outperforms recurrent models, and it achieves state-of-the-art results on the ETH and TrajNet datasets. We also present an effective system to represent pedestrian positions and powerful data augmentation techniques, such as the addition of Gaussian noise and the use of random rotations, which can be applied to any model. As an additional exploratory analysis, we present experimental results on the inclusion of occupancy methods to model social information, which empirically show that these methods are ineffective in capturing social interaction.
My project that you can also find at